Thursday, September 11, 2008

Is it just a hair do or are you signing away your rights to your own head?

For those of you that have read my blog know how excited I was to have picked up the technique. I wanted to continue to see my consultant. God knows I did not want the responsibility of doing it myself; I've been a cosmetologist for almost 20 years. I like the idea of going to get my hair done. Well my schedule changed, meaning I'm working mad overtime. I had more things added to my plate. I'm going back to school. I sort of lost time to even get my hair done. Didn't expect all these changes but some things I found to be more important than getting my hair done. With my crazy schedule, I was unable to get in to see my consultant. I thought the nappy loc tool would really help me out in between appointments. When I told my consultant that I purchased the tool, she did not sound too pleased. Her respond to me was I could damage my locs (which I totally understand) and she also said self taught techniques would make more repair work on her. I can appreciate her concerns for my new locs as well as her hard work but with the changes that has happened in my life, I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. She really made me feel like I had not choice but to come and let her retighten my locs. I could be taking her reply wrong and I so hope I am but I am a very busy person sometimes. On top of that I'm not use to going to get my hair done on a regular basis. I like the idea but not use to regular appointments. So did I just sign a contract for her to mother my head? Someone made a comment in their blog that it isn't rocket science to pick up the technique. And it's not. I now have a different outlook on this. I love my locs. The best thing I could have ever done, hands down. Do I continue on or just do it myself?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Class Reunion!!

Can you believe I am about to have my 20 year class reunion. I am tripping. This site called Ning helped me locate people I had not talked to in years. I am having so much fun talking to old friends. I was talking to my friend from NC and I told him I really did not want to go to my reunion alone. The last time I went to my reunion I was married. Not happily but married. He was good to have at parties because the brotha could dance his a** off. Anyway at my 10 year reunion my ex-husband and I went to the meet and greet. We could not make it to the banquet the next day because this fool was acting like a d*** fool. So I missed it. So here I am 10 years later and I really did not want to go alone. I mentioned it to Mr.B and he said he would drive up and take me. I thought that was so sweet. He lives in Durham yall and I live in Michigan. Thats a 12 hour drive. I'm still smiling.

I got tagged!!

I was wondering when this day was going to come. I actually got tagged by a couple of you guys. Let me start off right!! Forgive me for not posting pics. I'm blogging at work. Shhh! Don't tell my boss. She cool. She really wouldn't care. Ok lets get this show on the road. I was tagged by and Thanks ladies!!
Rules are as follows:

  • Link to the person that tagged you..
  • Post the rules on your blog.
  • Share 6 non important things/habits/quirks about yourself that have not been shared already. (If yall don't mind I will do 7 since that is God most complete number.)
  • Tag 6 random people at the end of your post by linking to their blog.
  • Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
1. I am a pk (Preacher's Kid). Actually a long line of them to tell you the truth, my dad, his dad, my mom's dad, 2 of my uncles..this list goes will into my family.
2. I was in a 5 year relationship that did not go anywhere. We are still good friends and he wants to try again but I say leave it the way it is.
3. I absolutely love writing. I do my best writing at work when I'm extremely busy or if I'm heavy with emotion.
4. I'm a Sex and the City fan. My sister says I have the personality of Samantha. Was at the movies the day it came out.
5. I was a Daddy's girl. He pasted away 3 years ago but I still feel the pain.
6. I've been in a long distance relationship for a year and a half. He lives in Durham, NC. A real sweetheart.
7. Ok I don't want yall laughing at this one. You know how some people crave starch? My mom use to give me the starch pellets when she was pregnant. OMG!! Those were the days. Well I had surgery a few years ago on my breast. I was very top heavy so I had them reduced. After that I started craving Johnson and Johnson's baby powder. Now straighten your face up. Yes I said baby powder. And it can only be Johnson and Johnson.
Thats a little of me. Now ready or not hear I come....Nevermind!! But I will catch yall on the next go round. I will tag my sister..